Anastasia Lorenz, Alice Sopp, André Jacoby, Elisa Moder
Prof. Jens Döring
Prof. Hans Krämer
Prof. Markus Weinberger
A design project in an interdisciplinary team by quickly gaining insights and designs in the solution space. A project between design sprint, minimum viable product and user research.
Lean Design
A smart interface concept to bring structure and security to a nurse's shift in hospital. The aim is to relieve nursing staff in their everyday work and reduce stress.
Project objective
A smart interface concept to bring structure and security to a nurse's shift in hospital. The aim is to relieve nursing staff in their everyday work and reduce stress.
The healthcare sector is suffering from a significant shortage of skilled workers, which, combined with an increasing number of patients, is leading to an excessive workload. Nursing staff have to independently structure and coordinate their daily routine and the associated tasks under constant time pressure, which leads to considerable stress and restricts nursing staff in their actual goal: Namely, to care for their patients.
To solve this problem, we have developed an interface that structures and prioritizes a nurse's tasks during a shift. This provides an overview and a holistic orientation over the course of the entire shift. Nevertheless, we offer caregivers the option of postponing tasks that are not due to deadlines, allowing them to organize their schedule freely to some extent. We have opted for a smartwatch interface to offer carers the opportunity to interact quickly and easily. This allows the caregivers to operate it quickly and ensures largely distraction-free treatment. This means that each carer has their own watch and their own personal schedule.
Based on expert interviews and to deepen our understanding of the target group and their needs, we created three detailed personas. It was essential to take into account the diversity within our target group, particularly with regard to different age groups, professional experience and affinity for technology.
In the task plan, the nurse sees the tasks that need to be completed during their shift. This plan is created in advance by artificial intelligence. The tasks are prioritized according to urgency and time required. Flexible tasks can be postponed if necessary.
If anomalies are detected during a patient treatment, these can be documented or noted by means of an audio recording immediately after the treatment.
Another feature makes it possible to request assistance from other care staff if required. This facilitates communication and ensures faster assistance in urgent cases. If a request for help is accepted, every caregiver sees this status, so not all caregivers have to rush to help in an emergency and the majority can continue with their tasks undisturbed.
Through our collaboration with experts in this field, we were able to gain valuable insights for our smartwatch interface in corresponding usability tests. Thanks to their expertise in care and the practical relevance, our functions and our concept were tested for feasibility. Some functions were recognized as useful and some had to be revised.